Thursday, October 31, 2019

E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-commerce - Essay Example The changes brought about by the Internet have even broader implications. With the advent of Internet technology, every company becomes a global company, with the means and opportunity to buy and sell from, or strike an alliance with, any company, anywhere, anytime. This golden opportunity brings with it a level of complexity that surpasses anything that all but the most far-flung global enterprises have experienced to date. The recent explosion of information and information technology (IT) has induced corporate management to utilize its ingenuity in creating the best available means to manage the flow of information, control flow channels, and integrate the different assets (both hardware and software) of IT utilized by the different departments and divisions of the corporation. As companies invest heavily in information-based systems, they are vesting more (Cunningham 23-24). Like many processes, the design of a web site can be broken down into simple steps, and each step can then be further broken down in to tasks and actions. Most researches are based on the principle that most large projects can be reduced to ‘bite-sized chunks’, thus reducing the fear factor and avoiding the sense of being overwhelmed by the gargantuan nature of the task ahead (Coltman 57). Creating an action plan, setting achievable targets within sensible deadlines, and distributing responsibility appropriately, will ensure that the project moves forwards as smoothly as possible. There are four basic stages through which the planner has to move to create an effective project plan: awareness, familiarity, understanding and readiness (Eisenberg et al 38). The web is a publishing and communication medium, and as such it needs to be focused on the audience. As with any strategic development, the company should conduct some basic market research prior to the web site development. This will help keep the company planning process focused on the customer and demonstrate that the company is aware of the wider environment in which web site exists. There are many research tools and services on the web that can assist the company with this process (Eisenberg et al 49). When setting up a web site or e-business, the company should do as much research as it can to find out who is offering similar services on-line (and off-line). It is crucial to use search engines, company lists, newsgroups and word of mouth to get as much information on competitors as the company possibly can. Most importantly, the company should not stop researching once the e-company/dotcom is off the ground. It is important to carry on researching and refining (Nielsen 30). For organizations creating a new brand, or launching themselves on to the web for the first time, the selection of an effective domain name can be a difficult process. All the 'good' names seem to have gone, and the organization's preferred domain name might have been taken by someone with no apparent claim to that name (Lucas 98). Trademark and copyright issues aside, choosing a domain name is often simpler than many organizations think: the most important aspects are that it should be memorable, and easy to spell and type. Issues relating to brand reinforcement and literal, descriptive names are secondary, and can be dealt with by effective marketing and explanatory text on the web

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Bank of America Financial Statements Research Paper

Bank of America Financial Statements - Research Paper Example These auditors provide a clean opinion on the financial statements as they are in done with the accordance of the law of the state and they value the client’s long standing relationship. PwC values their clients and they share a long and committed relation with their clients. The financial statements of Bank of America provide materialistic and factual evidence of subsequent events. The bank also provides a consolidated five year summary of the selected financial data in order to provide accurate results. The bank is divided into six business segments, which consists of deposits, global card services, home loans & insurance, global commercial banking, GBAM and GWIM. â€Å"Results of our operations through six business segments: Deposits, Global Card Services, Home Loans & Insurance, Global Commercial Banking, GBAM and GWIM, with the remaining operations recorded in all Other† (Bank of America, 2010). The auditors provide a clear report of the firm and they dedicate thei r report to the society. The reason for the bank’s downfall which has reduced its profits in the year 2010 was a decrease in the growth of assets. Similarly the bank has raised large amounts of debt in the last financial year and aims to improve its financial and capital strength. Bank of America is the one of the earth’s major financial organizations, serving individual customers, small- and middle-marketplace business and big businesses with a complete variety of asset management, investing, banking and other fiscal and risk management goods and services. The business offers unmatched expediency in the US, serving around 57 million customer and small business relations with around 5,900 retail banking offices and about 18,000 ATMs and award-winning online banking by way of 29 million active consumers. Bank of America is one amongst the world's foremost wealth management businesses and is a worldwide leader in business and trading and investment banking across a wide variety of asset classes, serving businesses, governments, organizations and persons around the world. â€Å"Bank of America does not undertake an obligation, and disclaims any duty, to update any of the information in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Physiological Healing Process Of Soft Tissue Biology Essay

The Physiological Healing Process Of Soft Tissue Biology Essay It is imperative, as a sports therapist, to understand the process of soft tissue repair to develop a safe and effective management plan for clients injury problems. Understanding this, allows us to decide what modalities or interventions to apply. If certain therapy techniques or inappropriate exercises are applied, it can lead to further problems in the healing stages. A therapist cannot change the time is takes to heal an injury but can certainly make the stages more effective. There are four stages of healing that will be discussed in more detail later on in the essay. In the event of an injury, the process of healing that follows depends on the extent of the injury and the approximation of the wound sites stump ends. There are two types of tissue healing; primary and secondary intention. Healing by primary intention commonly occurs in minor wounds wherein the tissue separation is small and a bridge of cells bind the ends of the wound together, resulting in a small line of scar tissue. Healing by secondary intention occurs in more severe wounds, where the stump ends cannot be bridged as they are too far apart. The wound heals by producing tissue from around the wound to fill the space created by the wound. This can occur in second degree sprains where ligament tissue is torn and not surgically repaired. Secondary intention healing takes longer than primary and also results in a larger scar. Healing can be described as a continuum of changing events. There are four common stages to healing; bleeding, inflammation, proliferation and re-modelling. All the stages overlap considerably and are not separate. Figure 1 healing phases Diagram to illustrate the four stages of healing (Watson, 2009) Figure 1 shows a basic overview of the four stages. The phases are shown individually, but in reality, they are overlapped. Some events associated with one phase act as stimulant for the next phase. The first stage of soft tissue repair is bleeding. As a result of soft tissue damage; blood vessels are damaged as well. The severity of the bleeding depends upon the vascularity of the tissue involved. Muscles have a more increased vascularity than ligaments. This stage lasts around 6 to 8 hours depending on the tissue involved. The main focus of a sports therapists management would be to rest. It would be advisable to use crutches, stopping any weight bearing activity, as bleeding can start if the wound opens up again. A compression bandage could be considered to delay the onset of the inflammation phase. Restricting the intake of alcohol, aspirins and medications could be beneficial for the patient as these can thin the blood considerably. Once the body has moved into the haemostasis stage, bleeding will stop and the repair phase moves into the inflammation stage. The second stage of healing is inflammation. The shift from bleeding to inflammation is not clear, as there may be some bleeding in the start of the inflammation phase. Houglum (2005) identifies that there are five cardinal signs to inflammation; heat, redness, swelling, pain and loss of function. This is a normal and necessary process to healing and can take up to 2 to 3 days. The stage can be initiated by numerous events such as trauma, mechanical irritation and thermal or chemical insult. Houglum (2005, p.37) states that During inflammation, the injury is contained and stabilized and debris removed. There are two elements to the inflammatory events that occur in parallel; vascular and cellular. The vascular phase consists of close interaction between cells and chemicals, the process of chemotaxis taking place causing vascular permeability. Vascular permeability allows cells and chemicals that are in the blood stream to enter the injury site and perform their functions to heal the tissue. It is initially caused by histamine, a local hormone that is released by cells that enter the area due to which blood vessels get larger and leaker. As a result of this unwanted fluids and waste material are cleared. Histamine is a short lived hormone and its function is carried on by serotin and kinins. Kinins presence at the injury site is also short term and is followed by prostaglandin formation. There are two prostaglandins, one continuing the vascular permeability and one attracts leukocytes to the injury site. These prostaglandins stimulate repair or the damaged site and stimulate the stage into proliferation. As a result of vasodilation and vasopermeability there is an increase in f low volume, an increase in hydrostatic pressure and swelling. The other phase of the inflammation stage is cellular events where there is a migration of various cells to the injured area. Platelets release phospholipids which effectively stop the bleeding by stimulating a clotting mechanism. According to Houglum (2005, p. 38) Platelets also bind to the collagen fiber stumps that were exposed by the injury. Platelets can also release substances such as fibronectin, growth factors and fibrogen. Watson (2009) suggests that following the bleeding phase, fibrin and fibronectin form a solid layer that helps the adhesion of various cells, like a plug stopping the bleeding. As the healing stage progresses, the plug is replaced by type III collagen. Leakage from the blood vessels is stopped by the fibrin plug, which compromises their ability to remove the extra fluid from the area. However, later on fibrinolysin is released allowing drainage of excess fluid from the area. Within the first few hours of injury, white blood cells such as neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils start to remove debris from the site. As these are short lived, they are replaced by monocytes and macrophages. These exhibit a strong phagocytic activity that is responsible for the tissue debridement that takes place. Houglum (2005) argues that inflammation can become harmful if it is prolonged, further than the normal healing time. Generally an injury should be passed through to acute inflammation and then to healing. Conversely, if acute inflammation is interrupted there can be a negative effect and as a result the injury can move into chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation will result in a pus formation consisting of dead white blood cells. Failure of the body to deal with the initial insult is where healing fails to take place. As a result of this healing by fibrosis takes place where scar tissue is formed. The goal of a sports therapist would be to facilitate inflammation but minimizing it (Houglum, 2005). This would be accomplished by applying initial first aid using the price principles. Protection via bandages and supports to the injury would be applied to reduce the likeliness of further bleeding or swelling. Brukner and Khan (2007) suggest that rest, with the use of crutches for lower limb injury and a sling for upper limb, will help reduce the metabolic requirement around the injury site. Ice can slow down nerve conduction, which slows down the rate pain gets to the spinal cord, effectively reducing the pain sensation. Ice would also increase vasospasm, reducing uncontrolled swelling around the injury. Brukner and Khan (2007) also advise that compression and elevation reduce swelling around the area and can decrease the effect of hydrostatic pressure which helps to reduce pain around the site. Hands off techniques such as active movements in a pain free range can beneficial. Inflammation takes place in an anaerobic environment. After the macrophages clean up the injury site they recruit and activate other cells that start through anaerobic respiration where lactic acid is produced. Lactic acid stimulates the next stage of tissue repair named proliferation. The third stage of soft tissue repair is proliferation, the true phase of healing, when bleeding has completely stopped. Watson (2009) suggests that it is the restoration of tissue continuity with the deposition of repair tissue. The stage of proliferation has a rapid onset of 24 to 48 hours but takes much longer to reach its peak reactivity, between 2 to 3 weeks. If the tissue is more vascular, it will take a shorter time in reaching peak proliferation production. There are two fundamental processes involved in the repair which are fibroplasia and angiogenesis. The migration of fibroblasts is principally responsible for the development of new capillaries and extracellular matrix. A production of substances made by the fibroblasts will make up a matrix of collagen, proteoglycans and elastin which are required for vital scar tissue formation and proliferation. This migration to the injured site, allows fibroblasts to lay down collagen type III. Although, the fibre structure of type III collagen is weak, it helps provide the wounds primary tensile strength. It can be easily torn if too much stress is applied. Alongside fibroplasia, a process called angiogenesis takes place. Watson (2009) states à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦capillaries in the region of the tissue damage bud and grow towards the repair zone. Blood flow through the region is re-established, providing oxygen and nutrients while removing metabolic waste products. Oxygen is essential for many of the repair processes, but more importantly for collagen production. This process of tissue maturation continues into the remodelling phase. To facilitate the proliferation stage, a sports therapist should apply heat to increase the blood flow to the area, effectively bringing more oxygen to the injury site and allowing more collagen production. Houglum (2005) believes ultrasound promotes collagen and myofibroblast production. Ultrasound would facilitate the proliferation phase as there is an increased need of collagen and myofibroblasts. Brukner and Khan (2007) claim that proprioceptive work such as joint awareness and positional sense can help enhance general coordination which will help facilitate strength and endurance exercises required in the next stage. Nutritional support such as whey proteins and vitamin c can speed up the healing process. Various authors (Houglum, 2005 and Watson, 2009) identify that the remodelling stage normally starts at the peak of proliferation around 2-3 weeks and can last up to 18 months. Wound contraction starts and type III collagen are converted to type I, to stabilise and restore the injury site. As there is more type I collagen, it becomes more insoluble and less resistant to damage. Collagen fibres produce more cross links as fluid is reduced in the area, strengthening the structure of the scar. Eventually this cross linking becomes the major source of the scars tensile strength. The large numbers of capillaries produced in the proliferation phase are no longer needed and start to retreat. Fibroblasts migrated from the previous stage will also reduce. Visible changes can be seen, with the cellular changes taking place including the loss of scars red colour changing to white and then evening out with natural skin tone. Therapeutic interventions to facilitate the remodelling phase can be a range of exercises and deep tissue work. These can help the arrangement of collagen fibres. Houglum (2005, p.43) claims that: When collagen fibers are aligned in an organized, parallel fashion, collagen can form the greatest number of cross links and thereby possess optimal strength. In this organised arrangement, function and mobility is at its greatest degree and properly applied forces can enhance it. Khan and Scott (2009, p. 249) in their report confirm that: The benefits of loading include improved alignment of regenerating myotubes, faster and more complete regeneration, and minimisation of atrophy of surrounding myotubes. Physical stress is an important component in the development of quality tissue repair. With this in mind, resistance training can be considered. Brukner and Khan (2007) suggest that resistance training may stimulate collagen synthesis. Strength and power training such as squats, dead lifts, compounds lifts that use more than one joint will increase the strength not only in the wounded area but the overall body. Sports specific exercises and complex training can also help in this stage. Brukner and Khan (2007) identify that stretching will promote a flexible strong scar. These interventions can speed up the conversion of type III collagen fibres into type I. General factors that delay the healing process are age, protein deficiency, low vitamin c levels, steroids and NSAIDs and temperature when low. The local factors known to delay healing are a poor blood supply, adhesion to bone or other underlying tissue, continued inflammation, drying of the wound and excessive movement can restart inflammation. Bleeding, inflammation, proliferation and remodelling are the four stages of soft tissue repair that are distinct but overlapping. From a sports therapists perspective it is important we apply therapeutic intervention at the right time and the appropriate management in order to facilitate the repair process avoiding delays by entering the chronic inflammation phase. Each athlete or client has different post injury sporting goals, level of skill and degrees of competitiveness, which all influence the rehabilitation programme. Therapeutic exercise must be administered carefully without causing harm to the healing tissues if rehabilitation programs are to be successful.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Concept of Charity in the General Prologue :: General Prologue Essays

The Concept of Charity in the General Prologue    In the "General Prologue," Chaucer presents an array of characters from the 1400's in order to paint portraits of human dishonesty and stupidity as well as virtue.   Out of these twenty-nine character portraits three of them are especially interesting because they deal with charity.   Charity during the 1400's, was a virtue of both religious and human traits.   One character, the Parson, exemplifies Chaucer's idea of charity, and two characters, Prioress, and Friar, to satirize the idea of charity and show that they are using charity for either devious reasons or out of convention or habit.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the definition from the Webster's dictionary, charity means giving to the needy and helping the poor.   In Chaucer's time, however, charity meant much more.   It included a love of G-d and doing the will of G-d as well as the kind of person one is.   Thus Charity had two parts, one human, the other divine.   Two parts that mixed in different portions depending on a person. Charity was a human virtue that the Church encouraged.   People believed that if one does something good, he will be rewarded by G-d.   Many people did meaningful, charitable things out the goodness of their hearts, but others had done it for other reasons.   Those reasons included making money from people's suffering and giving to charity because someone told them to do so, rather than from the goodness of their hearts or to ease the suffering of others.   Chaucer plays off both of these parts of charity in his portraits to show how they can be combined differently in different people and to distinguish "true" charity from "false" charity.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Parson exemplifies Chaucer's idea of true charity.   Even though Parson does not have any money, he considers himself rich spiritually.   Going around the village, he teaches the poor and those who can't go to church about what G-d is and how to be a religious person.   He gives more than he receives.   In fact, he avoids preaching to the rich and well-to-do because he prefers going to the humble and poor, who truly need his help and G-d.   He doesn't run to London to earn easy bread

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Describe the military tactics used by both the Vietcong and USA in Vietnam in the 1960s

During the Vietnam War strategies and tactics became the main foundation of the battles. There were many ways both sides fought, and also many changes the way they fought. The American's first tactics consisted of various methods of war. One method they used to help them win the war was to control the skies, this meant watching over their battle ground, which was in the county side, and bombing suspected hiding places in which they thought that the Vietcong were hiding. This was called Operation Rolling Thunder. The operation was a costly failure that wasted a lot of time as it lasted 3 years as opposed to the original 8 weeks stated. It was also expensive because of the cost of the bombs. This waste of money had to be paid by American citizens who were generally not too happy. Another tactic the Americans tried to use was to try and re-educate the South Vietnamese people. The main purpose of this re-education was to stop the South Vietnamese from helping the Vietcong forces in such ways as a hiding place or giving them food supplies. Although this method was effective, it did not manage to for fill its main idea. So for a quick to their problems, they used the Strategic Hamlets Policy, which forced the South Vietnamese to be moved, and South Vietnamese leader Diem also demanded that they had to pay for their movement. This caused commotion amongst the South Vietnamese people. The Americans tried to use their more advanced technology to their advantage by using advanced weapons such as M60 machine guns, MP40 sub-machine guns and B52 Bomber aircraft (That was used in Operation Rolling Thunder) Americans also used Zippo raids named after a common American cigarette lighter. During these raids the US forces, set fire to the homes of farmers and other peasants. A way in which the US forces tried to get the Vietcong forces from internally was to put Agent Orange into their water supply. This caused many cruel diseases, deformities and deaths. It also affected the ability for innocent farmers to grow crops. The affect of Agent Orange still lasts today as some deformities are said to have been caused by the same thing. The Vietcong on the other hand had a different and more basic form of warfare. They used such things as tripwires and bouncing betties to badly injure the US troops. Although basic, they were extremely effective as many people fell for them. One of the most effective tactics in the war was guerrilla warfare. This was groups of Vietcong troops ambushing a small group of American soldiers. This was their main tactic during the whole war as they did not have as much sheer power as the US. They used the jungle to their advantage and laid mines and booby traps to injure the American soldiers. This made the US troops more fearful when they went out searching for the NLF A more psychological tactic that the Vietcong used was their morale. The Vietcong had far more morale than the US soldiers meaning they were more willing to take risks and die if it was necessary. Their main display of morale was at the battle of La Drang in 1965 in which they conceded many deaths but they did they did not let it get them down, which was almost the opposite of what the Americans were like. This tactic helped them though out the whole war. Chi Chi tunnels was the main survival tactic the Vietcong used. They supplied shelter from attacks, a place to store food, water, weapons and even to navigate through their battlefield. The Vietcong also had support from other communist countries such as Russia who provided them with SAM missiles which were used to take down aircraft. This helped decrease the amount of bombs dropped from the air. Both sides of the War changed tactics around the late 1960s meaning that the War could go both ways at that point depending on whether the countries tactics changed for the better. A new tactics that the Americans used was to try and cut of the Ho Chi Minh trail as it was the method the Vietcong were using to get their supplies. It was a failure as the trail had so many different routes. The My Lai massacre was also a strategy that they thought would take down many NLF troops, but instead they caused commotion amongst both the US and the Vietcong as most people just thought of it as a disgusting and cruel massacre of helpless and innocent peasants. This along with the Tet offensive, A surprise attack from the NLF, was making the War now seem in favour of the Vietcong as the citizens of America were now angry about the fact that America had gotten into a War that they were both losing and murdering innocent people. Former well respected news reader stated that the war could not be won, and as he was well respected, it brought down many hopes of a communism free Vietnam. For the Vietcong on the other hand, their morale seemed to increase and also they seemed to be dealing some serious damage to the image and troops of America. The Tet offensive was an attack on the Vietnamese New year on June 8th 1968 that was meant to have no combat during that time. This tactic paid off and caused heavy casualties for the Americans. The Vietcong also used a Saigon suicide squad to mostly damage hopes of winning rather than cause physical damage, although it did cause a lot of casualties. Both sides had their ups and downs in tactics, but the determination, morale and thought of improvement caused the Vietcong to be victorious over the Americans. Their victory was down to many factors of war. One reason was because the Americans did not take the Vietcong seriously and thought that it was a battle that would be easily one with sheer power. They were wrong. The way the NLF changed tactics after learning that they could not face America head on at La Drang is an improvement that maybe won them the battle. But overall, it seems that it was what they were fighting for that made the largest difference between the two sides. America fighting to prevent communism spreading, and the Vietcong fighting for their freedom.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Promotional and Advertising Strategies Essay

The author comes from Iran, with an ideological and religious fanatic government which owns and controls all of economical and industrial activities with an armed to teeth minority. In such countries they can produce and sell any low quality with any prices that they want, and actually customers have not many choices, and almost all of promotional techniques and strategies are meaningless! So here we are talking about free trade and free market countries like US. This paper review and scrutiny the circumstances surrounding the promotional and advertising Strategies for two automotive companies: TOYATA and HUNDAI. The author is very curious about those companies, because HUNDAI (1967) began car production almost 32 years after TOYOTA (1935)! But now, in all aspects both companies are equal in quality, branding, marketing, price and customer service, even HUNDAI is further! HMC (Hyundai Motor Company) was unknown brand with low quality and cheap price cars, but after it came in the US market converted its products to high quality and luxury quickly and stealing loyal customers away from many industry pioneers! But how was this late-moving car maker able to gain an advantage in this extremely competitive market? (Graf B, 2013) Introduction Definition of Advertising: The term â€Å"Advertising† first appeared in the 17th century. It has its root in the Latin word â€Å"advertere,† which means, â€Å"to  make people notice or know.† It can be roughly explained as â€Å"to extensively notify the public.† According to the Dictionary of Chinese Etymology, the Chinese definition of advertising means, â€Å"openly announce to the public,† with the annotation of â€Å"such as putting up notices or publishing advertisements in newspapers.† (Yan Boqin, 1978) Definition of Marketing: â€Å"Marketing† is an economic term meaning promotion and distribution. Originally applied in agriculture, it drew more and more attention after the 19th century and spread rapidly. From economic, social, business and customers’ angles, the property of its definition can be determined (Li Zongru, 2004). For highlighting the brand in the eyes of public and attracting new customers, product promotion is one of the essentials. There are many channels to promote a product or service. Successful promotions strongly depends on believe and culture of people, style of living, income level, government policies and economical and industrial infrastructures. Some firms use multiple methods, while others may use different methods for various marketing purposes. Irrespective of the type of service or product, a strong group of promotional strategies can help position the company in a favorable light with not only current customers but new ones as well. The following are top ten promotional strategies: â€Å"1- Contests, 2-Social Media, 3-Mail Order Marketing 4-Product Giveaways, 5-Point-of-Sale Promotion and End-Cap Marketing, 6-Customer Referral Incentive Program, 7-Causes and Charity, 8-Branded Promotional Gifts, 9-Customer Appreciation Events, 10-After-Sale Customer Surveys† (Carl Hose. 2014; Small businesses; Retrieved December 2, 2014 from Comparing the promotional strategies used by Toyota and Hyundai for a similar product Today almost all of carmakers have a lot of experiences and they have access to modern and new technologies. So they can produce good quality and good design cars and also offer good services to customers, especially in US, there is no way to sell any products with low quality and low customer  service. In result the best promotional strategies are those that involve culture, attitudes and beliefs of the people. The following are some examples of such strategies. Green Environment: Increasing public awareness about environmental protection, governments forced to implement hard regulation and criteria for automobile firms. Toyota published on its website: 1. Diversifying energy sources: â€Å"Toyota is developing various new technologies from the perspective of energy saving and diversifying energy sources. Environment has been first and most important issue in priorities of Toyota and working toward creating a prosperous society and clean world.† 2. Fuel Cell: â€Å"By generating electricity from hydrogen, Toyota’s fuel cell vehicles are not only environmentally friendly they’re also highly energy efficient. With such eco-friendly characteristics, Fuel Cell Vehicles are the next step toward achieving sustainable mobility.† 3. Plug-In Hybrid: â€Å"Introducing the next step for eco-friendly cars; a combination of the proven engineering of current hybrids with home recharging. It has an increased electric range and produces lower emissions.† 4. Measuring environmental issues surrounding vehicles: â€Å"For more improvements in efficiency, Toyota proactively manages power train efficiency, reduces vehicle load, and controls energy management by integration of fuel-saving technologies such as charge control, idling stop, etc.† 5. Various vehicles: â€Å"Along with our emphasis of conventional vehicles and hybrid vehicles as fundamental core technology while pursuing further advancement.† 6. Alternative fuels: â€Å"Based on these core technologies, Toyota will develop next-generation vehicles utilizing alternative fuels such as gas fuel, electricity and hydrogen.† (Retrieved December 2, 2014 from _technology/) Hyundai published on its website: 1. Blue Drive: Our Blue Drive ® technology gives you lower pollution and higher performance. Blue Drive is a philosophy that guides Hyundai in its effort to become the automotive leader in sustainability. It’s helped focus our engineers and designers on creating lighter vehicles, developing more efficient power trains and even inventing proprietary hybrid technologies.  2. Plug-in and zero-emission: In the future, Blue Drive will expand to include plug-in hybrid vehicles, zero-emission electric vehicles and fuel-cell vehicles that run entirely on hydrogen. Their only emission is water. 3. Electric hybrid: Hyundai introduced the first electric hybrid with electrifying performance. Our engineers have invented the industry’s most advanced hybrid vehicle. 4. New battery: Unlike other hybrids on the market, ours uses a patented Lithium Polymer battery. It has 40% less volume; it’s 25% lighter and 10% more efficient. T he battery also has a longer life-span-it comes with a lifetime warranty guarantee. So you can feel good about preserving the environment for the life of your vehicle. (Retrieved December 2, 2014 from Slogan: â€Å"An advertising slogan is usually a short tagline – less than five words — that tells potential customers the benefits they can expect when choosing your product or service, or establishes your company brand.† (Kristen Hamlin, 2014; Retrieved December 2, 2014 from importance-ad-slogans-31343.html) 1. Toyota’s ownership slogans: marketing efforts in North America have focused on emphasizing the positive experiences of ownership and vehicle quality. The ownership experience has been targeted in slogans such as â€Å"You asked for it! You got it!† (1975–1979); â€Å"Oh, what a feeling!† (1979 – September 1985, in the US); â€Å"Who could ask for anything more?† (September 1985 – 1989); â€Å"I love what you do for me, Toyota!† (1989–1997); â€Å"Everyday† (1997–2001); â€Å"Get the feeling!† (2001–2004); â€Å"Moving Forward† (2004–2012); and â€Å"Let’s Go Places† (2012–present). 2. Hyundai’s Brand slogan: â€Å"NEW THINKING. NEW POSSIBILITIES.†; reflects the will of Hyundai Motor Company to create new possibilities to benefit the world and its people by encouraging and developing new thinking. All members of Hyundai have the brand slogan deeply engraved in their hearts as they move forward in their effort to provide new values and experiences desired by today’s customers through innovative ways that are unique to the brand, driven by new thinking about customers and cars.( Retrieved December 3, 2014 from http://worldwide Information/BrandSlogan/index.html) New Compact Vehicle Strategy: According to the Ford India President, compact car sales are expected to double by 2018 from around one million units in  2013. This surge in demand in expected to be fueled by rising disposable incomes in the second most populous country in the world, and also owing to the increasing demand for fuel-efficient smaller cars due to rising fuel prices.( Trefis Team ,2014. Retrieved December 3, 2014 from /greatspeculations/2014/06/13/tata-motors-looks-to-improve-passenger-car-sales-by-penetrating-the-compact-segment/) 1. Toyota: The automobile market in emerging markets is growing each year in tandem with the economic growth of each country. Within those markets, there has been marked growth in the sales of compact vehicles, so Toyota is promoting a new compact vehicle strategy that emphasizes the compact vehicle lineup and seeks to meet the needs of consumers in emerging markets. 2. Hyundai: The South Korean automaker ranked seventh among mass-market brands in the this year’s U.S. Initial Quality Study by J.D. Power and Associates, topping such brands as Toyota, Infiniti, Audi and Lincoln. Hyundai’s Accent compact and Elantra small car were named among the top three cars in their segments.(Hans Greimel, 2011. Retrieved December 2, 2014 from /20101206/RETAIL03/ 312069982/hyundai-plans-new-brand-strategy) Financial Services Strategy: Every year, millions of people around the world transition out of poverty in any number of ways—by adopting new farming technologies, investing in new business opportunities, or finding new jobs, for example. Effective tools for saving, sending, and borrowing money and mitigating financial risks can help people weather setbacks and achieve greater financial stability over the long term. (Retrieved December 4, 2014 from http://www. /Financial-Services-for-the-Poor) 1. Toyota: Toyota Financial Services has constructed a global network that covers approximately 90% of the markets in which Toyota sells its vehicles. Mainly concentrated on auto loans, leases and Toyota dealer floor plan requirements, TFS provides auto sales financing to approximately 5.4 million customers. Thus effectively helping them in making their own cars more affordable to their potential consumers all around the world. Again being a strategy that helps them a stronger competitor in the market. 2. Hyundai: Through our service brands, Hyundai Motor Finance and Kia Motors Finance, we provide financial products tailored to meet the needs of Hyundai  and Kia dealerships nationwide, including dealer inventory and facility financing. And, through these dealerships, we provide indirect vehicle financing and leasing solutions to over 1 million retail customers. Our subsidiary, Hyundai Protection Plan, Inc. offers vehicle service contracts and other vehicle protection products under the Hyundai Protection Plan and Power Protect brands. (Retrieved December 2, 2014 from http://www. Hyundaicapital Two uses for consumer-oriented promotions that could assist a company in both the short and long term for the carmaker companies What are consumer-oriented sales promotions? There are two points of view: 1- Retail Promotions consist of inducements offered by retailers to consumers includes retail coupons, price discounts, double coupons, special displays, features etc. 2- Consumer Promotions consist of inducements offered by manufacturers to consumers includes manufacturer’s premiums, bonus packs, coupons, samples, rebates, etc. There are some reasons for the importance of the sales promotion. First, the growth of retailer power in distribution channels has led to an excess in consumer promotions. Sometimes, manufacturers make special offers to consumers because a powerful retailer insisted that they do so. Another time, as a way of neutralizing retailer power by intensification the bonds of loyalty consumers may feel toward the brand. Either way, retailers frequently serve as the driving force behind consumer promotions. Second, the type of competition has converted significantly during recent years resulting in ever greater consumer price sensitivity. The growing of brands and brand extensions, intensity segmented consumer markets, and lower brand loyalty have combined to make consumers much more aware of price given that many product categories are populated by several competitors. Third, price deals have become the rule rather than the exception for many products. Rebates on certain brands of automobiles, department store sales, and coupons on many grocery items are only a few areas where consumers have  grown to expect price breaks. Indeed, the expectation is more than, when possible, many consumers will wait for promotional offers rather than buy with no deal. Fourth, advertising clutter has forced marketers to find new ways of getting consumer attention. Product benefits alone frequently prove insufficient to prompt consumer action much less get their attention. Thus, marketers increasingly look to sales promotion to find ways of breaking through to customers who face a constant bombardment of promotional messages. Eventually increasing of consumer promotion can also be attributed to more pressure on marketing management for short-term results. Investors want to immediate bottom-line results rather than the long-term health or stability of the companies in which they invest. Sales promotions are tools to increase near term sales. However, as their use becomes more common, their costs become regular and recurring and therefore potentially self-defeating. (Retrieved December 5, 2014 from†¦/Consumer%2520Promotion.p) The strategic manner in which the leading car company has made its pricing decisions by using one or more of the four pricing objectives â€Å"The four Ps of marketing is the combination of product, price, place (distribution), and promotion. Marketers develop strategies around these four areas in marketing to enhance branding, sales, and profitability. â€Å" (Ross Gittell, 2014, Retrieved December 5, 2014 from Price is the only revenue generating element amongst the 4ps, the rest being cost centers. Pricing objectives or goals give the company direction to the whole pricing process and consider the following: 1- Survival; 2- Get competitive advantage; 3- Financial, marketing, and strategic objectives of the company; 4- Enhance image of the firm, product or brand; 5- Hold price leadership; 6- Increase market share; 7- Consumer price point and elasticity; 8- Available resources; 9- Catch target of return of investment  and sales; 10- Prevent new entrants; 11- Match competitors prices. Toyota gets credit for being the most known brand on the market; however the Corolla comes up nowhere in the competitor charts in terms of price, model distinction, or performance (TrueTrends, 2012). Providing a competitive advantage for the Corolla requires differentiating the car in pricing, quality, service, innovation, brand, convenience, and anywhere else that makes it more desirable over its competition (McCrimmon, 2008). How Toyota as a leading company can offer lowest prices? i.e. $89 a month for lease! The answer is: by maintaining its lowest costs. Along with differentiation Toyota also uses low cost to try and gain a competitive advantage in the automotive industry. â€Å"Toyota is (or was at the time) the low cost producer in the industry. Toyota achieves its cost leadership strategy by adopting lean production, careful choice and control of suppliers, efficient distribution, and low servicing costs from a quality product.†(Michael E. Porter, 2013) This quote from Michael Porter sums up how Toyota achieves this low cost strategy. Through research, it is evident that Toyota is still the low cost leader in the automotive industry. Societal trends have moved away from an individualistic culture—which identified social status and hierarchy based on material possessions—to an environmentally aware society (Grewal & Levy, 2012). With consumers’ minds wrapped around things like fuel mileage, cleaner emissions, and hybrid technology we find them moving further away from SUVs and trucks (Farooq, 2012). However, the 2013 Corolla is foreshadowed to be outshined by the Dodge Dart, as it loses some of its competitive edge in pricing and other award winning features (TrueTrends, 2012). By 2012 Toyota is planning to have more than 20 models that use batteries to extend fuel economy just like their Prius (Krolicki). Although they have not been as aggressive in the electric car market recently, like their competitors, they are planning to release a rechargeable version of their Prius by June 2012 (Krolicki). This re-chargeable version will position Toyota to attempt to take over as a low cost leader of hybrid technologies  within the market, which supports Toyota’s overall strategy of low cost (Krolicki). Two actions that other car companies may take in order to differentiate themselves and gain a competitive advantage  Hyundai rightly understood the consumer motivations to create magnetic products, price them strategically, position them sharply and keep making the magnetism more potent. Having understood the finer differences in consumer motivations, it opted for sharp arrow ‘reasons-to-buy’ differentiation over the ‘blanket-all approach’ taken by most of the other players. It is an aggressive marketer. It focuses on medium and low price products. Hyundai has also started premium products range to capture the growing market. (Anshuman goyal, pricing strategy of Hyundai, 2007; Retrieved December 9, 2014 from The segments are based on type of customer like age group, attitude, end use of product, demographic behavior and purchasing power, status of the people of the region. Each competitor has its own strong point and value and position there product so as to attract maximum number of customers. (Kottler, Keller, Jha, Koshy, 2007, Marketing Management) Hyundai brand continues to dominate the market for premium cars, despite increasing competition. The firm should first consider the competitors price. If the company i.e. Hyundai contains features not offered by the nearest competitor, it should evaluate their worth to the customer and that value to the competitor price. Competitors are more likely to react when there is high competition. In case of Hyundai, many products are there such as Sonata, Santro, Hyundai i10, Accent etc. Hyundai continues to provide stiff competition to Honda in all the segments and poses an even bigger threat to expansion plans of Hyundai. (Anshuman goyal, pricing strategy of Hyundai, 2007; Retrieved December 9, 2014 from Two examples of the most effective advertising medium for a Car company The TV advertising have been having the largest audiences in all ages, but car buyers are specific ages who have not enough time to watching TV even less than one hour per day, because they are too busy in today competitive era. Instead the internet via smart phones and computers is like a ghost became as a inseparable part of their life, at any time more than 15 hours a day, and even when they are eating, showering, walking, sporting, biking, swimming, and in any place even in high mountains and deep forests, roads and villages! Another reason for effectiveness of internet rather than TV is: new intelligence algorithms via data mining analyze the behavior of customers and put proper Ads to the web pages related to the target customers with very lower advertising costs. As a most important subject which advertisers should also pay attention to it is cultural differences, they have to be careful since cultures vary in different countries, they must understand the local audience culture before releasing new commercials, in order to avoid any misunderstanding. Another internet related way for advertising can be the online promotional games, such as Toyota’s use of MSN commercial games to promote its products, for instance. There are two interactive contents focusing on entertainment: fun activities and downloads. Both of them were found in about one third of the 100 web sites, respectively. Fun activities were also utilized to promote the brand in the sites and they are not related to scores or performance. Activities for fun included virtual test drive (, virtual plant tour (www.cocacola .com), virtual auto show (, e-cards (, a coloring sheet (, a virtual skin beauty analysis (, and so forth. Downloads promoting and affiliated with the company’s brand were also analyzed. Desktop images such as wallpaper and icons were the most offered downloads, followed by music (Seounmi Youn, 2001, Retrieved December 9, 2014 from =0&P=3326464&B=†¦_&T=text%2Fplain;%20charset=us-ascii) For the carmakers, another impressive promotion method is â€Å"complete test ride†. The buyers are very keen to getting experience to drive with a brand new car and having the opportunity to really feel its advantages and disadvantages. For encouraging the customers to more participating in test drive activities, offering some gifts can always increase the interest and  willingness of then. Getting the best result always does not correspond with the cost of the advertising. So carmakers should choose their advertising media in accordance with today era. However as always, inviting stars to speak for different models with different appeals will have so effectiveness to increasing the public awareness. Conclusion Some observers suspect that Hyundai’s recent successes may be anomalies, abetted by the difficulties that the company’s U.S. and Japanese competitors faced after the global economic crisis, the rise in the yen’s value, Toyota’s wave of recalls, and the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan and Fukushima nuclear disaster. Others say that the company’s highly protected home market has enabled its growth, allowing Hyundai to establish a global presence while its domestic competitors restrict themselves to tiny slivers of the Korean market. But the single factor that has made the most difference is the company’s own interest in building world-class capabilities. Starting in 1998, Hyundai’s leaders set out to develop the kind of prowess the company would need to become a global automobile powerhouse, able to hold its own in the United States and other fiercely competitive markets. Early on, that meant offering a comprehensive warranty and taking specific steps to dramatically improve its quality ratings. Once customers were convinced of the brand’s reliability, Hyundai added other capabilities, such as design, which led to a more diversified product line and more stylish features. Meanwhile, it developed a knack for getting the word out through clever, consistent marketing. The result is a coherent mix of quality improvement, design, and marketing that gives Hyundai a clear advantage over its industry competitors. Although these are required capabilities at all automakers, Hyundai has excelled at combining them over the past decade, and its sales numbers reflect this success. The company’s effort to become a world-class automaker is beginning to pay off, and it’s far enough along that its story can be credibly told. (Source: Strategy & Business. February 26, 2013. Retrieved December 2, 2014  from References Anshuman goyal, pricing strategy of Hyundai, 2007; Anshuman goyal, pricing strategy of Hyundai, 2007; Carl Hose. 2014; Small businesses; Hans Greimel, 2011. /20101206/RETAIL03/ 312069982/hyundai-plans-new-brand-strategy Kottler, Keller, Jha, Koshy, 2007, Marketing Management Kristen Hamlin, 2014; importance-ad-slogans-31343.html http://www. Ross Gittell, 2014, Trefis Team, 2014. /greatspeculations/2014/06/13/tata-motors-looks-to-improve-passenger-car-sales-by-penetrating-the-compact-segment/ Seounmi Youn, 2001, =0&P=3326464&B=†¦_&T=text%2Fplain;%20charset=us-ascii Strategy & Business. February 26, 2013.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Breastfeeding in Public - Explaining Shame and Taboo

Breastfeeding in Public - Explaining Shame and Taboo On an almost weekly basis, there is a news story about a woman being kicked out of an establishment for breastfeeding her baby. Restaurants, public pools, churches, art museums, courts of law, schools, and retail stores, including Target, American Girl Store, and ironically, Victoria’s Secret, have all been sites of skirmishes over a woman’s right to nurse. Breastfeeding  anywhere, public or private, is a woman’s  legal right in all 50 states. In 2018, both Utah and Idaho passed laws protecting a woman’s right to nurse in public.  However, nursing women are regularly scolded, shamed, given the side-eye, harassed, embarrassed, and made to leave public and private spaces by those who find the practice inappropriate or incorrectly believe it to be illegal. When we consider this problem from the standpoint of rational thought, it makes absolutely no sense. Breastfeeding is a natural, necessary, and healthful part of human life. And, in the U.S., for these reasons, it is protected by law. So, why does a cultural taboo on nursing in public hold strong in the U.S.? Using  the sociological perspective  helps illuminate why this problem exists. Breasts as Sex Objects One need only examine a handful of accounts of confrontations or online comments to see a pattern. In nearly all cases, the person who asks the woman to leave or harasses her suggests that what she is doing is indecent, scandalous, or lewd. Some do this subtly, by suggesting that she â€Å"would be more comfortable† if she were hidden from the view of others, or by telling a woman that she must â€Å"cover up† or leave. Others are aggressive and overt, like the church official who derogatorily called a mother who nursed during services â€Å"a stripper.† Beneath comments like these is the idea that breastfeeding should be hidden from the view of others; that it is a private act and should be kept as such. From a sociological standpoint, this underlying notion tells us a lot about how people see and understand women and their breasts: as sex objects. Despite the fact that women’s breasts are biologically designed to nourish, they are universally framed as sex objects in our society. This is a frustratingly  arbitrary designation based on gender, which becomes clear when one considers that it is illegal for women to bare their breasts (really, their nipples) in public, but men, who also have breast tissue on their chests, are allowed to walk around shirt-free. We are a society awash in the sexualization of breasts. Their â€Å"sex appeal† is used to sell products, to make film and television appealing, and  to entice people to men’s sporting events, among other things. Because of this, women are often made to feel that they are doing something sexual anytime some of their breast tissue is visible. Women with larger breasts, which are hard to comfortably wrangle and cover, know well the stress of trying to hide them from view in an effort to not be harassed or judged as they  go about their daily lives. In the U.S., breasts are always and forever sexual, whether we want them to be or not. Women as Sex Objects So, what can we learn about U.S. society by examining the sexualization of breasts? Some pretty damning and disturbing stuff, it turns out, because when women’s bodies are sexualized, they become sex objects. When women are sex objects, we are meant to be seen, handled, and used for pleasure at the discretion of men. Women  are meant to be passive recipients of sex acts, not agents who decide when and where to make use of their  bodies. Framing women this way denies them  subjectivity- the recognition that they are people, and not objects- and takes away their rights to self-determination and freedom. Framing women as sex objects is an act of power, and so too is shaming women who nurse in public, because the real message delivered during these instances of harassment is this: â€Å"What you are doing is wrong, you are wrong to insist on doing it, and I am here to stop you.† At the root of this social problem is the belief that women’s sexuality is dangerous and bad. Womens sexuality is framed as having  the power to corrupt men and boys, and make them lose control (see the blame-the-victim ideology of  rape culture). It should be hidden from public view, and only expressed when invited or coerced by a man. U.S. society has an obligation to create a welcoming and comfortable climate for nursing mothers. To do so, we must decouple the breast,  and womens bodies in general,  from sexuality, and stop framing women’s sexuality as a problem to be contained. This post was written in support of National Breastfeeding  Month.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Quiénes pueden brindar asesoría migratoria en USA

Quià ©nes pueden brindar asesorà ­a migratoria en USA Para todos los migrantes en Estados Unidos hay una necesidad evidente de contar con buena  asesorà ­a migratoria. Pero una cosa es informacià ³n en general, como la que se brinda en esta pgina y otra muy distinta asesorà ­a para el caso concreto de cada uno.  ¿Quià ©n puede brindarla? Y es que hay que tener claro que un mal consejo legal puede ocasionar muchos problemas  de cabeza. Incluso algunos que luego no se pueden solucionar. Es por esta razà ³n que es muy conveniente contar con la asesorà ­a de una persona honesta, trabajadora y que sepa de quà © habla. Es fundamental entender la diferencia entre quià ©nes son los abogados, los representantes acreditados, los consultores y los notarios y saber quà © puede legalmente hacer cada uno de ellos en asuntos migratorios. Abogados migratorios para asesorar en asuntos migratorios Los abogados obviamente pueden dar consejo legal y tambià ©n representar los inmigrantes en las Cortes de Inmigracià ³n.   El paso natural cuando se necesita consejo legal es contratar a un letrado. Para  elegir abogado  es fundamental contar con referencias positivas de clientes actuales o antiguos. Sin embargo, son relativamente frecuentes los casos de malaprctica y negligencia. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta que los servicios de los  abogados en Estados Unidos puede resultar  muy caros. No siendo raro que cobren hasta $400 por hora y que carguen a mayores por servicios como fotocopias o llamadas telefà ³nicas, con lo que la factura final puede ser considerable. Muchas veces se puede ahorrar hablando previamente con el abogado y presentando todos los documentos ordenados y traducidos. Asà ­ se evitarn gastos en los que puede incurrir el despacho de abogados por tener que buscar ellos mismos documentos o de traducirlos al inglà ©s. Por à ºltimo, en el caso de encontrarse con un abogado cuya actuacià ³n ha podido no ser profesional se puede presentar una queja ante la  American Immigration Lawyers Association. En el caso de estar fuera de los Estados Unidos, es importante buscar abogados que de verdad entiendan las leyes migratorias de ese paà ­s y desconfiar de aquellos que aseguran conocer a alguien en el consulado que arregla papeles a cambio de dinero. Eso no es asà ­. En los Estados Unidos, tambià ©n es posible buscar opciones ms asequibles de asistencia legal como es el caso de los representantes acreditados, conocidos en inglà ©s como  accredited representatives. Quines son los representantes acreditados para asuntos migratorios Son las personas que estn autorizadas para actuar en nombre del inmigrante ante del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y sus diversas instituciones, como el  USCIS o la CBP. Esto es lo que se conoce como representacià ³n parcial. Pero adems, pueden estar autorizadas para representar a su cliente ante las cortes de inmigracià ³n. El Board of Immigration Appeals es el à ºnico organismo autorizado a conceder estas  acreditaciones  y lo hace a personas que: Sean postuladas para tal posicià ³n por una organizacià ³n reconocida.Posean buen carcter moral.Y tengan conocimientos y experiencia sobre las leyes y los procedimientos migratorios y de naturalizacià ³n para la adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a americana. El Board concede la acreditacià ³n por un periodo de  tres aà ±os renovables. Por lo que para confirmar que todo est bien con la persona que se desea elegir para que actà ºe como representante se puede checar su estatus con el Programa de Reconocimiento de Acreditaciones llamando al (703) 305 9029. Otras personas autorizadas para asesorar legalmente Adems, estn autorizados para esas labores las organizaciones reconocidas como tales y los proveedores de asistencia legal gratuita. Asimismo, pueden representar a los inmigrantes otros representantes cualificados como estudiantes o licenciados en Derecho que todavà ­a no han aprobado el examen de ingreso al Bar pero que trabajan bajo la supervisià ³n de un abogado. Tambià ©n pueden hacerlo los oficiales del gobierno, como por ejemplo los agentes consulares y las personas como sacerdotes, vecinos, familiares del inmigrante y que sean de buen carcter moral y que no cobren ni directa ni indirectamente por estos servicios. Sin embargo, los que no estn autorizados a ejercer esa representacià ³n son los notarios o los consultores de inmigracià ³n. Que NO pueden hacer los consultores de inmigracin y los notarios Ni los consultores ni los notarios pueden, entre otras cosas: Representar a los inmigrantes ante el USCIS o ante una corte federal de inmigracià ³n.Brindar asistencia legal sobre a quà © beneficios migratorios se puede aplicar.Aconsejar sobre quà © decir en una entrevista con las autoridades migratorias.Ni tampoco pueden cobrar cantidades altas por sus servicios. Por lo tanto, si crees que has sido và ­ctima de un fraude migratorio, asà ­ se reporta. Qu servicios pueden prestar los consultores y los notarios Dependiendo de sus conocimientos, los consultores pueden ayudar a los inmigrantes rellenar los formularios del USCIS como por ejemplo los de peticià ³n de un familiar, permiso de trabajo, etc. Tambià ©n pueden  traducir los documentos que deben presentarse junto con las formas. Fraude y representacin por s mismo Es importante evitar fraudes y, si se es và ­ctima de uno, consultar cà ³mo es posible denunciar el caso.   Por à ºltimo, saber que en los casos ante corte migratoria el gobierno no est obligado a proporcionar abogado en los casos en los que el migrante no puede pagarla. Es posible la auto representacià ³n, pero las estadà ­sticas demuestran que los casos con ms à ©xito cuentan con la presencia de un abogado. De inters: informacin para legalizacin El fin de muchos migrantes es obtener papeles. Para ello es importante conocer cules  son  7 situaciones migratorias que se puede tener en Estados Unidos  y tambià ©n cules son en la actualidad los caminos limitados que los indocumentados tienen para regularizar su situacià ³n. Si se cree que se puede tener una opcià ³n, asesorarse con un abogado o un representante acreditado. Este artà ­culo no es consejo legal para ningà ºn caso particular. Tiene carcter meramente informativo.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Abortion and Writing Professor Hyde

Technical and Business WritingProfessor Hyde The Advantages of Abortion? For many years, abortions have been performed and so has the controversy over abortion. Today, I have decided to write about the advantages of having an abortion. Some may argue that there are no advantages to having an abortion, but that’s what makes this topic such a debatable one. Abortions have been performed since the 1800’s. Not until the infamous decision of Roe v. Wade that abortions became legal medical procedures. It was also the year the United States Supreme Court recognized abortions as part of women’s civil rights. To the average person whether male or female, abortion should be against the law, but I beg to differ. Abortion gives couples the option to choose not to bring babies with severe and life-threatening medical conditions to full term. Aborted fetuses contribute to medical science through stem cell research that cure diseases and re-grow lost or damaged limbs. It’s almost like donating organs of the decease to someone alive in dire need. In cases of rape or incest, forcing a woman who was made pregnant by the violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. No child should be born into this world unwanted. Statistics show that unwanted children are raised in a home with no love or supervision. They become adults who commit crime and are sentenced to prison. Another reason women have abortions is they don’t have the financial resources needed to support a child. The majority of the population has Medicaid as health insurance coverage so termination of pregnancy can be free or low cost. If they decide to keep the baby and raise it, the cost to taxpayers could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I chose to title my paper â€Å"The Advantages of Abortions† because your life doesn’t have to stop because you chose to end your pregnancy. Women shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed because they chose a different decision than most. An unplanned pregnancy may be a burden now, but years from now it may become a miracle or joy because you had a chance to grow and mature as a person. Before you can raise a child you need to finish raising yourself first.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organic Pork Production, Animal Science Speech or Presentation

Organic Pork Production, Animal Science - Speech or Presentation Example If a hog is fed grain meal it is not distinct that any other grain-fed hog. Only because a hog is natural, organic, or pastured never means it has the nutritional merits of a true grass fed hog. Pasture-fed hogs range at outsized foraging for their innate food. They browse grass just like cattle. Forbes, leaves, trees, and grass is what they eat. They are not confined to a sty, caged, penned, confined in murky sties, nor raised in buildings. Several are even wild hogs that joined up with other pig hordes. Thus far, their meat is not the other white meat. Rather, it is red meat. Actual grass pigs always have read meat approximately the same color as of grass-fed beef (Steve and Van Loo 12-26). As you all know, these hogs foraged through the woodlands, fodder and orange groves of rural America. These days stimulated by the immeasurable knowledge of our fat fearing official food advisers, most hogs pre-destined for the table are of bacon kind. Unlike heritage hogs, modern day pigs are t aller, longer and very slant. For a very long time, the tangiest pork comes from Berkshire breed of pigs. Most Berkshire hogs are black with white socks. They are shorter, squatter and certainly plump. Their diets comprise of non-GMO morsels. A wide-ranging list of necessities for organic production of pork has been identified. There is no permissible or extensively approved explanation of natural. Thus, personal marketing cohorts have identified standards for the pork production that could be branded natural. With no permissible explanation of natural, one has the challenge of describing this form of pork production. Natural pork production entails the prohibition on use of antibiotics and other artificial growth stimulators. Nothing like the natural pork production, there are wide-ranging regulations for organic production of pork. Numerous global and national activists have provided descriptions for organic agriculture. Organically produced pork should implement the USDA seal for products as licensed organic pork. National Organic Standards were implemented to permit pork to have the USDA seal. Though the utilization of antibiotic or drugs is not permitted in animals that are sold to organic markets, this however does not imply that animal warfare should be ignored (Becker et al 1). Are you wondering how you will manage to use pigs for manure turning? To be able to utilize hogs for manure stirring you will be required to construct perhaps two 10 X12-manure sheds with a drop roof, cement flooring and modifiable walls. These sheds will serves as a compositing capacity for your hogs compost and rooting top prize for two feeder pigs. Three sheds will, of course, probably accomplished three functionalities. The first one could be devised for fresh compost and bedding, the other will be old compositing and bedding. Although raising hogs is considered a financial risk to place so much so organic feed into sows, it will offer you regulation of your hogs’ man agement from the start. This not only will oblige you to produce brawny organic piglets for your own production, but also you will need to offer superior stock for other farmers. These animals are feed on licensed organic feed 100 percent of the time on fodder when not farrowing. You could wean a standard of 8 piglets per sow twice annually (Becker et al 1). Irrespective of whether as farmer you farrow or buy your piglets, bringing them on fodder is very economical for enhancing

Need for health care services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Need for health care services - Essay Example Reasons given for the inaccessibility of such services vary from family or individual to individual, the most common being the high rates charged by the service providers. Provision of insurance covers is a business in which after accessing covers, people pay monthly or annual premiums. The rate of the premiums is never directly proportional to the type and quality of coverage provided, this therefore influences a number of people to opt for self-settlement of medical bills in the health facilities in case of an emergency (Aday 81). On of the main mandates of the government is to ensure that every American accesses quality health care services, the national insurance cover provision is not widely accepted despite fact that it is a lot subsidized. This follows the claims that private health service providers have proliferated most of the regions in the country making access to public facilities a lot difficult. The choice to take up a cover or not to is a personal decision and the state cannot ever impose such choices on its citizens. However, the government should influence the process of making such decisions by ensuring that the public has the general knowledge on the policies and should further [provide incentives to the access of such services. All state employees have insurance premiums paid for them by the government (OCarroll 88). However, the government does very little in effecting the acquisition of such services especially to most of the poor population in the country. Most of Americans in private business make this choice entirely by themselves, the exorbitant rates charged by most of the service providers and the uncertainty that characterizes such services eventually influences most of them on the contrary. Those employed in the private sectors have their employers provide them with such services as a means of motivation and to boost their morale to work. The employer provides a basic percentage of the cover by

Unit 3-IP- Theory & Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit 3-IP- Theory & Policy - Essay Example The evolution of criminal profiling can be debated through varying opinions or points of view. The FBI‘s Behavioral Sciences Unit (BSU) is endorsed with the enhancement of criminal profiling. One should consider that the actual act of accessing a criminal’s mind can be traced back in history. In the past 30 years, it has become increasingly reliable and has gained high opinion from the media, society and professionals alike. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, John E.Douglas was among the most prominent criminal profilers of 20th century, and was among the very first to introduce this science of criminal profiling to the FBI (Turvey, 2011). John Douglas has been recognized with developing the present day art of criminal profiling. This was after his work with major criminals such as Edmund Kemper (Coed Killer), known for the murder of ten people, Richard Speck, who murdered eight nurses, and Charles Manson, a feared mass murderer. His work led to the opening of Behavioral Sciences Unit (BSU) of the FBI, which was vested with the responsibility of criminal profiling. Now retired, Douglas and his team were the first to introduce criminal profiling to the US justice system. Edgar Allen Poe is another person, who contributed immensely to the development of criminal profiling (Turvey, 2011). Important issues dealing with criminal profiling are seen in his literary works like â€Å"The Telltale Heart.† This is probably one of his most famous works. The Telltale Heart is the story of a murderer who keeps the body of his victim beneath the floorboard of his house, and after searching, the police find nothing. The murderer then slowly loses his sanity, because he kept hearing the heartbeats of his victim. Eventually, he turns himself in. Poe must have analyzed and understood the criminal mind, since the story is told from the murderer’s point of view. The final case study is that of Jack the Ripper, who was among the most infamous serial killers

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Understanding Subsistence Patterns in the Modern World Essay

Understanding Subsistence Patterns in the Modern World - Essay Example Many of these subsistence patterns have been the answer of problems pertaining to survival for societies throughout history. However, these patterns are not just part of history but can be found in today’s world as well and that too not in a dormant state but actively developed and adopted one (Harris, 1996). Out of the many subsistence patterns that are seen in history, Pastoralism is one where people earn their livelihood by herding animals that eat greens. They may vary in species and form around the world but all are tame and eat grass or plants that live in herds. The choice of animals varies according to the regions. In Magnolia and central Asia horses are preferred by most pastoralists. Cattle herding is done in East Africa. Sheep and goats is the choice of the mountainous region pastoralists of Southwest Asia (Harris, 1996). In the more arid lowland areas of Southwest Asia and North and East Africa the camel is used. Pastoralists in Northern Magnolia and Northern Scandinavia herd reindeer. The Dukha people of northern Mongolia, like their other Mongolian counterparts, milk and ride their reindeers whereas the Saami people of northern Scandinavia use the reindeers as their meat source (Harris, 1996). There are essentially two forms of pastoralism- known as nomadism and transhumance. Nomadism is seasonal migration with variance in pattern as the timing and destinations of the migrations are solely dependent on the needs of the herd for fodder and water. Moreover nomads on the basis of their migratory patterns live in tents or easily constructed dwellings and hence don’t possess permanent settlements. Usually they rely on their own means for food and other necessities (Ferraro, 2005). Transhumance pastoralists move from cool highland valleys in summer to warmer lowland valleys in winter thereby forming a cyclical pattern of migration. Unlike the Nomads they

McDonalds as a Successful Business Enterpreneur Worldwide Essay

McDonalds as a Successful Business Enterpreneur Worldwide - Essay Example McDonald’s is believed to be operating in one hundred and nineteen countries across the globe. The whole food giant is made up of the franchises. Approximately fifteen million people are employed in the organization and sixty four million people serve as its customer base. Effective implementation of organizing function is necessary to establish a loyal customer base. The approach that has been used by the McDonald’s is collaborative management approach that has helped the organization to adopt a new leadership style. Management keeps itself involved in facing the new challenges and constantly developing new practices to address them, same system is followed throughout the franchises worldwide. McDonald’s has established itself as the successful organization because its management is focusing on the enhancement of long term strategic planning (Baden, 2011). It is believed that organizing is the function that comes to the surface due to synchronization and combina tion of physical, financial and human resources with the help of technology and knowledge (Mullins & Laurie 2007). The function of organizing in the management focuses on development of internal organizational structure. The internal structure of the organization is heavily dependent upon the labor, coordination, flow of information between the departments and control of the filtrated information passage. McDonald’s take this function of management extremely seriously as the assessment of resources, allocation of resources and distribution of resources are all dependent on this function of management, if they are not properly followed, the organization will be like just another food shop round the corner that lacks following and establishing the management functions (Harold & Donnell 1959). The basis for the formation of McDonald’s is Frederick Taylor’s principles of organization. McDonald’s works like a machine. Each activity is divided into subtasks and sub functions to get the job done effectively and efficiently. The tasks are individually designed and they work in coherence with each other to achieve the higher goals. It is the effective organizing function at McDonald’s that there is always a balance between supply and demand. Due to effective organization function McDonald’s is able to control every aspect starting from labor costs, human resource management and physical assets. - McDonald’s have always considered following and establishing management practices seriously. Management always plans the activities and coordinates them according to policies initiated by higher management. Management at McDonald’s sees their employees and customers as the most influential stakeholders for the organization and tries to manage and keep them happy through adopting effective organizing strategies. In past, the focus of the organization was in developing functional departments, highlighting the reporting link s, initiating plans, developing and administering relationships between people like who reports to whom and tasks like that. It is due to focus on the organizational strategies that the McDonald’s is able to update menus, bring quality and sensational taste to its food items. (McDonald's, 2011) Today the management function of organizing reflects in the adaptive and flexible building of the McDonald’s that attract customers and make them feel why they should prefer McDonald’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Employment Law--Whitakers Fine Wines Limited Essay

Employment Law--Whitakers Fine Wines Limited - Essay Example Some of these mistakes include are discussed herein. Principle and application of law relating to Adam’s employment At the time of his inclusion into the firm, Adam had his job specifically spelled out for him. His job entailed overseeing general sales as a manager. This he has done effectively and is yielding positive returns. According to the Employment Rights Act 1996, before taking up a job, one is normally briefed on his or her scope of operation which to Adam was the state of Surrey. When the sales manager for the Hampshire area eventually falls sick and is not therefore able to respond to his official duties, the company must find a replacement as soon as possible and ensure that the interests of the company are upheld. Some of the known ways of filling such vacancies have been through appointing an assistant to the victim to take over his position or to request assistance from another employee of equal rank. The firm opted for the later but failed to realise that in su ch a circumstance, the solicited services are offered on an interim basis which should not always last more than three weeks (Kidner, 2013). When Collins fails to return to work by the third month, the firm ought to have found a permanent solution to his truancy (United Bank Ltd v. Akhtar [1989] IRLR 507). Adam, being a dedicated employee, does both the tasks diligently despite the fact that he is overwhelmed. When he can bear the strain no longer, he lodges a formal complaint with his bosses. This was a formal and an expected way of handling such issues. His bosses assure him that they will look into the matter and find an amicable solution sooner; this assurance however, is given verbally by an immediate boss. This, according to the Equality Act 2010, is a clear show that the firm treats its employees with a lot of negligence. An employee communicates officially with his employers over very pertinent issues of production and the best the firm does is to device mechanisms of avoidi ng claims by merely failing to respond to the letters sent to them and the responsible officer is left to give an unbinding verbal communication in response. Adam eventually develops a life threatening condition from his employment. Given the nature of the disease, it is clear that he developed it out of the frustrations he experienced out of his work place. In case of a court case, it will be very difficult to exonerate the firm since it is clear that the firm bears all the claims. After admitting responsibility of the above faults, the firm should send a formal invitation to Adam expressing regret in the maltreatment he underwent and offer him an opportunity for talks. The receipt of this letter may prompt Adam to take the case to court since it will be evidence of the laxity shown to him by his employers and an admission of culpability. Conclusion The company has shown a lot of laxity in handling its employees. Issues affecting employees is not amicably looked into and the level of negligence specifically shown to Adam’s case is unacceptable. The company risks facing serious industrial actions should the case be filed in a court of law. The firm must therefore carry out very prudent restructuring strategies to try and convince its employees that in deed it holds their interests at heart and avert any legal tussle. On Adam’s case, a great deal of mistake has taken place, the

McDonalds as a Successful Business Enterpreneur Worldwide Essay

McDonalds as a Successful Business Enterpreneur Worldwide - Essay Example McDonald’s is believed to be operating in one hundred and nineteen countries across the globe. The whole food giant is made up of the franchises. Approximately fifteen million people are employed in the organization and sixty four million people serve as its customer base. Effective implementation of organizing function is necessary to establish a loyal customer base. The approach that has been used by the McDonald’s is collaborative management approach that has helped the organization to adopt a new leadership style. Management keeps itself involved in facing the new challenges and constantly developing new practices to address them, same system is followed throughout the franchises worldwide. McDonald’s has established itself as the successful organization because its management is focusing on the enhancement of long term strategic planning (Baden, 2011). It is believed that organizing is the function that comes to the surface due to synchronization and combina tion of physical, financial and human resources with the help of technology and knowledge (Mullins & Laurie 2007). The function of organizing in the management focuses on development of internal organizational structure. The internal structure of the organization is heavily dependent upon the labor, coordination, flow of information between the departments and control of the filtrated information passage. McDonald’s take this function of management extremely seriously as the assessment of resources, allocation of resources and distribution of resources are all dependent on this function of management, if they are not properly followed, the organization will be like just another food shop round the corner that lacks following and establishing the management functions (Harold & Donnell 1959). The basis for the formation of McDonald’s is Frederick Taylor’s principles of organization. McDonald’s works like a machine. Each activity is divided into subtasks and sub functions to get the job done effectively and efficiently. The tasks are individually designed and they work in coherence with each other to achieve the higher goals. It is the effective organizing function at McDonald’s that there is always a balance between supply and demand. Due to effective organization function McDonald’s is able to control every aspect starting from labor costs, human resource management and physical assets. - McDonald’s have always considered following and establishing management practices seriously. Management always plans the activities and coordinates them according to policies initiated by higher management. Management at McDonald’s sees their employees and customers as the most influential stakeholders for the organization and tries to manage and keep them happy through adopting effective organizing strategies. In past, the focus of the organization was in developing functional departments, highlighting the reporting link s, initiating plans, developing and administering relationships between people like who reports to whom and tasks like that. It is due to focus on the organizational strategies that the McDonald’s is able to update menus, bring quality and sensational taste to its food items. (McDonald's, 2011) Today the management function of organizing reflects in the adaptive and flexible building of the McDonald’s that attract customers and make them feel why they should prefer McDonald’

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hunted House Essay Example for Free

Hunted House Essay Nobodydared to go in empty house in an isolated part of the village . Eventually, the landscape of the empty house was shady,lush and green, no one is brave enough to hunt for wildfigs. The beautiful and evergreen nature surrounding the empty house was damp and soggy always. After the F.Sc examinations, my peers and I decided to go for camping the empty house since we had enough of studying books and would like to investigate about the mystery of that house. It was supposed to be a two days camping trip. We equipped ourselves with the necessary camping gear and enough food to last for the two days. We walked deep inside the village and reached at a huge and old empty house. As soon as we arrived there, Hammad approaches all of us to enter the house since the journey was quite difficult and tiring. We stepped in the house to fill our empty stomachs with the food that we had brought but we realized that the condition of the house was incredibly dirty and dusty. The ceiling was fully covered with spider webs whereas the floor was covered with dried leaves. Hence, we managed to clear up the place before start eating our meal.Then, we went walking around the house and suddenly Hammad started screaming â€Å"Aww!!!†. He saw a human skull inside a drawer. All of us were astonished with the discovery of human skull in the mystery house. At that moment, we could feel our blood stream was flushing and cold. All of us quickly rushed out of the house and decided to go back home. It was our badluck because it was raining and falling snow heavily outside. We had no choice but to wait until the rain stops. Fear was written on all our face, especially since we had discovered a human skull! All of us were in low spirits. Even Hammad was silent and nervous who is actually a noisy maker in our group. The hours dragged past but the rain continued. Instead we had no choice but to spend the night in the mysterious house. Although we were exhausted, we could not rest our tired minds and bodies with the demand of sleep.At midnight, Ali woke up to go to toilet and asked me to accompany him till the door. While I was waiting for him, I saw a â€Å"fully white dressed creature without head holding an axe† was hunting for food in the middle of night at the balcony of the house. I could not believe my own eyes and started reciting prayer according to our religion Islam. Then, I quietly went back to sleep after Ali was back. The next morning, we decided to make our way back to home and quickly packed all our goods. On the way heading back, I told them about the horrifying creature that I saw last night. All of them were nervous and frighten.On our way back, we met with a group of villagers who normallywashes their clothes at a bank of canal, which is situated about 2km away from the empty house. Therefore, we took that opportunity to ask them about the mystery of the empty house and the ‘human skull’. According to them, beforethis there was a young lady who got murdered by the communist soldiers in the empty house. One of them tried to rape her but she managed to fight him back using an axe. Unfortunately, she lost her head in that battle. Hence, the human skull belongs to the young lady and the white creature is her spirit who is hunting people for her revenge.After that incident, no one dared to go the house. Then, my friends and I thank the villagers and made our way for home. We decided not to go to the empty house anymore after this.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Characteristic Of Teaching Young Learners English Language Essay

The Characteristic Of Teaching Young Learners English Language Essay The concept of learning is influenced by the psychological study of the learning process and is widely interpreted in the popular use. The psychological concept extends quite far and includes all parts of childrens development, from language acquisition to social roles and changes in their personality. Language teaching can be widely interpreted as all activities intended to facilitate and cause language learning. At the beginning of learning the new language, the learners knowledge has none or hardly any associations with the language, it is as an infant learning its first language. The lack of contact with the language and the lack of a safe reference system can give the learner an intellectual and emotional shock which can discourage from further learning. Thus, the task for the teacher is to overcome childrens disorientation which characterises the beginnings of learning, build up and associate a system of positive attitudes and feelings with the language: that is, being able to reply spontaneously and to think in the second language. In teaching of the second language, certain social strategy is also needed, so that children should feel a need of imitation and acquire the second language in the same way as their first one. (H.H. Stern Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching:397-400) Childrens world is based on games and having fun and the same should apply to their learning. Children should not be aware of learning, neither lexicon nor grammar, but the teacher can easily use these facts to teach the foreign language through games, stories and songs. In teachers work with young learners, it is important to teach them according to psychological and pedagogical rules. The amount of material which the learners can remember depends on teaching techniques and the way the material is drilled. It is important to remember that lack of stress in learning makes it more efficient and easier to use in real situations. What is more, only friendly attitude of the teacher towards a learner, teachers willingness for learning and using all methods of relaxation can protect a child from being discourages and shy in learning and using the foreign language. Any good associations with parts of the material can cause that vocabulary or grammar will be better and longer remembered. It is also important that childrens concentration span is quite short and it is crucial to use any procedures which can make the learner able to longer concentration. Student should be also involved and interested in the lesson (BrzeziÅ„ski 1987: 145-150). Childrens learning is based on imitation and having fun rather than on their awareness of learning. Imitation is the easiest way of introducing new vocabulary and its aim is to lead to correct articulation and intonation of sounds and their memorization. In teaching young learners, intonation exercises are especially useful because of childrens flexibility of larynx which disappears with time. In terms of imitation exercises, the teacher should pay attention to learners reactions determined by their age. Furthermore , the teacher should change the techniques of teaching to avoid learners getting bored (WoÃ…Â ºnicki, T./ Zawadzka, E. 1979: 60). Most activities for children should consist of movement and involve their senses. The teacher needs many objects, visuals and pictures to work with, and to create a possibility to use all of the schools surroundings. It is also important for the teacher to let the pupils play with the language, talk to themselves as much as it is possible, use songs, rhymes and tell stories. As a matter of fact, the teacher should let pupils talk even nonsense to enable them to experiment with the language. The basic principle in teaching a language is a variety of activities, pace, organisation, voice and face expressions. Nevertheless, routines in the classroom are also essential so that the children can know the rules, be able to use the mark system and complete tasks. Using familiar situations or activities creates the atmosphere of safety, especially for the shy learners. Another important criteria in making teaching a language efficient is the classroom atmosphere. During the lesson, there is s upposed to be room for shared experiences, group work, pair work; what is more, rewards and prizes should be avoided. It is much more useful for the teacher to make notes about each pupil regularly in case the teacher would like to inform the pupils parents about their progress (W. A. Scott Teaching English to Children:5-7). Theory of language acquisition in the early age From around 1975, language acquisition is contrasted with language learning. The American applied linguist Krashen uses the word acquisition to describe learning of the second language which is analogous to the way in which a child learns naturally his or her first language and does not focus on the linguistic form. The disadvantage of Krashens terminology is that it is contrasted with psychological terms. Krashen differentiates between acquisition and learning, as learning for him is more or less conscious. It is a very valuable distinction but it implies a constraint on the use of the term learning, and frequently deliberately limits it to the school-like learning (H.H. Stern Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching: 18-20). In the light of an early start of language learning, Anderson claims that the way a person acquires mother tongue still remains a riddle. Between birth and the fifth year of life, children develop their ability to speak. Children in the first stage observe adults behaviour and any noises they produce. After some time, they start understand the meaning of such noises without seeing adults movements. The next step is imitation of sounds and (partially) a creation of their own ones. Consequently, children find out that they can control adults behaviour by making certain sounds. Lonnerberg mentions that only 10% of childrens utterings is like adults ones and that 90% of such utterings is their own language production. As far as it is concerned, childrens language acquisition is a dispute between an innate, individual parole and the langue created and used by the society (BrzeziÅ„ski 1987: 22-23). A critical age for foreign language learning Regarding the age of the earliest acquisition and learning point as birth, the best moment to start teaching a child the second foreign language is the age of 4-5. This is because of childrens flexible larynx which allows for nearly ideal imitation of sounds and the most efficient brain which all together create a great opportunity for language acquisition. Nevertheless, only until the age of 12-13, children keep their flexibility and natural readiness for language acquisition. Lenneberg shows through extended case studies the stages of physiological maturity processes taking place in the brains hemispheres (especially the left one), which is dominant. What is more, if it happens that the left hemisphere is damaged before the age of 12-13, it is possible that the right hemisphere takes over the domination and speech problems can be reduced. In addition, after this age such a process is almost impossible (BrzeziÅ„ski 1987: 28-29). 1.2.2 Childrens second language acquisition The phenomenon of mother tongue acquisition is interesting for linguists, psychologists, neuropsychologists and even neurophysiologists. Furthermore, it is connected with natural bilingualism which occurs when a child learns, in a natural way, the second language. The process of the second language acquisition in natural conditions is quite similar to the first language acquisition or even identical. The only difference between those two is the fact that the second language is assimilated later and is based on experience and knowledge of the first one and, as a result, the whole process happens faster and more effectively (BrzeziÅ„ski 1987: 18). Chomsky(1964) claimed it is a common observation that a young child of immigrant parents may learn a second language in the street, with amazing rapidity, and that this speech may be completely fluent and correct to the last allophone, while the subtleties that become second nature to the child may elude his parents despite motivation and continued practice (BrzeziÅ„ski 1987: 8). The first international meeting connected with childrens acquisition and its use in teaching foreign languages took place in Hamburg in 1961. Participant tried to find out if it is right to introduce foreign languages in the primary schools, if it is true that children learn better than teenagers and adults and which techniques are supposed to be used in teaching them. After four years, the second meeting took place and the first answers were given. During many decades, lots of contrary opinions developed. As early as 1967, Corder points out: It still remains to be shown that the process of learning second language is of fundamentally different nature from the process of primary acquisition. On the other hand, in 1972, Moulton stresses that in teaching a foreign language to young children it is possible to adopt some methods and intuition procedures, used by a child during mother tongue acquisition, and weave them into learning of the foreign language (BrzeziÅ„ski 1987: 8). 1.2.3 Factors of efficient language learning In 1960s, the matter of teaching a foreign language during the early age was a topic of many discussions. After the war, in many methodological books it was said that children can easily absorb, imitate and produce the new language. Learning of languages in the early age is connected with the habit of repeating words and sentences in a foreign language and acquisition of language material with the help of various memory techniques. The technique of frequent repetition of the material, as the main key to learning a language, is also supported by many psychologists such as Watson and Thorndike. In many psychological books, it is easy to find many completely different definitions of habit. According to MaÅ‚y sÅ‚ownik psychologiczny, habit is well-practised through numerous repetitions: actions which are done always in the same way and automatically. This definition can bring one to a wrong opinion that one should always react in the same way. Lado definites habit as fluency in using units and models of a particular language in answering while attention is not paid to units but to content. There are many more definitions of habit written by A. Szulc, Lompscher or Rubinsztejn, but all these definitions come down to the conclusion that the habit is way of mechanic, unconscious repetition and conscious production leading to the conscious process where consciousness is removed so long as the automatic element is eliminated. In this case, the fact that the process of repetition is the most important comes from the opinion of psychologists based on the theory that acquiring the mother tongue comes from the imitation of adults. There are also certain reasons directly influencing and shaping the process of learning and its efficiency: age - ­ after the age of 10, language acquisition ease diminishes. Childrens minds lose their flexibility and it is not that easy to acquire a language. Younger learners have better and more specific memory but have less ability to learn and need more repetitions. Children are more willing to imitate but have a very short concentration span. Their mechanical memory is better than that of the adults, and their short memory is more dynamic and more effective. The older the child, the more specific the way of learning is. Older children have their own range of memory, their long-term memory is more developed and more logic. They can focus more easily and have wider general knowledge. Being more mature, having better learning techniques and better motivation, the young and adults can easily make up this matters, which children can reach thanks to their imitating skills and more flexible minds. attitude in learning, there are many elements which have influence on better acquisition or learning, but attitude is one of the most important because it stimulates brain to better work and makes memory work more efficiently. What is more, the lack of motivation can cause that person who is not interested in the topic or in learning itself will not remember anything. previous experience connected with the material that has to be learned the more experience the learner has, the easier and more efficient learning is for him or her. material and content there are some units of material which are more difficult to understand or remember, for example, sentences which have lots of information. Also, the size of the material, the length of sentences, the kind of material (Passive Voice sentences are harder to remember and require longer time to learn than Active Voice sentences) significantly influence the effectiveness of the learning process. way of learning Humans use mechanical or logical memory while the logical one is more preferred and a part of material learned in a logical way is not only easier to reconstruct, but also stays longer in human memory. Certain researches show that talking in a foreign language is not only a simple reproduction of material that was learned. A learner should pay attention to very basic patterns which can be modified and updated with new vocabulary and structures. Mechanical memorising of sentences can be even a quite dangerous and tricky factor because certain language elements occur in a particular arrangement, in a way they were learned and drilled by exercises. number of exercises and repetitions Psychological research shows that the long term memory is extended in proportion to the learning time. What is more, overlearning is a very important element in the memorizing process. The higher the level of overlearning, the slower is the process of forgetting. Yet, the level of overlearning is reached individually after each learner performs a number of repetitions. At the same time, mindless repetitions cannot be treated as overlearning. time spent on learning It is important how long and how often repetitions and exercises are done. Frequent and short exercises are more efficient than rare and long ones (WoÃ…Â ºnicki, T./ Zawadzka, E. 1979: 30-40). The characteristic of childrens memory Learning styles are various ways of learning. They involve education methods, characteristic for an individual, which are used by the individual to learn best. The alleged basis and efficacy for these proposals have been extensively criticized. Learning styles depend on individual preferences, and, according to Nail Fleming, such styles may be divided into four categories. The fist group is made of visual learners, who, as the term suggestsplies, receive most information visually. These learners have a tendency to do well at public schools because most of what they are taught is presented through visual teaching tools. They do well with visual aids like pictures. For visual learners, the easiest way to learn is watching and calling up visuals in their minds to remember what they studied in the past. They have a tendency toward appreciating arts: crafts, painting or drama. They tend to be creative and imaginative. The second group are auditory learners who tend to learn better through listening. They listen to instructions and follow them in such a way that they can gather large amounts of information and deal with it. Auditory learners are very good at listening to lectures and conversations for a longer time without getting bored. They are more concentrated than visual learners and may be more discerning and attentive in the class. They prefer to study with music in the background. These students may also be creative and imaginative. They are good at listening to information and reproducing it in their individual ways. Students with another style known as kinesthetic learning might be mistaken for too active in the classroom. They do not like waiting for information. They prefer to find things out for themselves without any prompts. They are the explorers who want to make new discoveries. They are quick to learn new things and do not mind being left on their own with a particular toy to find out how it works. They can be successful in practical tasks, such as carpentry and design. These children prefer doing rather than thinking. Homeschooling might be a better for these learners because regular classroom activities might not be interesting enough for them. The forth group consists of logical learners who think in a conceptual manner. They explore patterns and like to know how things work. They often ask questions and are good at puzzles, math problems, strategy games and computers. They understand abstract concepts faster than others. These students prefer inventing and building their own contraptions, for example, with toys ( Initial memorisation According to many researches, children have lots of problems when trying to remember and repeat parts of material or longer sentences. In a situation when a group of kindergarten children was asked to remember and repeat, they were passive and even did not take any action to do so. 8-year-old children are a slightly better and show some will to do what they were asked, although only the 10-year-old children and older pupils are able to deal with efficient memorization, data processing and are even able to organise new information to remember it better. According to this research, one can observe that at the beginning children can use only simple techniques and just after some time those techniques develop, become more complicated and fitted to individual preferences and styles. This fact is quite disturbing because during the very early school-years children are often required to remember mane, sometimes even complicated information like lyrics, grammar rules or definitions. On the o ther hand, children can easily learn their mother tongue, they widen their knowledge about society or nature quite fast. Children are often able to repeat the dialogue of their parents even if they seem not interested in it. In their first years, they are not aware of how their memory works. The flash memory term became very popular according to the discovered phenomena that some people have perfect perception and prefer things they saw rather than those which they listened to. It is a very important fact that children use flash memory in a metaphorical way because they mechanically transfer the received information to their memory. Everything seen by people is remembered for a very short time in their operation memory. For a long-term memorisation, it is useful to include various visual aids in the teaching process. Children are able to remember not only pictures but also many details from such pictures. However, sometimes a picture shown to a child may be slightly different, may h ave different colours or shapes (especially of those elements which amazed the child). Autistic children have a very efficient flash memory and after a few seconds they are able to memorise very complicated and detailed pictures; what is more, they do so without much effort. From the previously discussed research, one can deduct that only from the age of ten children can consciously memorise some facts for a longer time. More effective memory depends on which study techniques the child uses. Those study strategies consist of certain elements like: the level of consciousness and awareness of the aim the child is learning for and willingness the child hasmemorisation strategy effort used to learn a specific part of the material Sometimes it is very hard to prove which element from the ones mentioned above is used. It can be even said that children create memorization strategies in internalisation. Before a child creates its own technique of learning, a child cannot achieve better results in learning but when those strategies are already created, the child knows how to study to achieve his or her aim. Then, the process of memorisation becomes faster, easier and more efficient. After some time, children not only know how to learn faster but also can understand more and do this more freely. Nevertheless, at the age of six it is still very complicated for the young learner to organise material which has to be learnt, and this is why children start to repeat. Only nine-year-old children are consciously able to group certain pictures into categories to achieve better memorisation. To sum up, one can easily say that children develop their memorisation skills according to their age and in this process children reme mber those things which they pay attention to but it is short memory and at the same time hard memory which are used. Sensitivity on keeping memory on the alert and reaction do not depend on where this new information comes from (society, nature or their own body) but in case of children it is mainly automatically received and processed by their brain. This process happens quickly and almost without any effort and the teacher cannot see those processes and cannot stop or modify them. This process can be only stopped and controlled, but then it works much slower and requires some effort. What is more, a child has to be conscious of information and has to recognise it. To distinguish between automatic and controlled memorisation, one can distinguish three levels of the automatisation processes: the first level is dominated by the automatic use of information (also without paying attention) the second level is partially automatic when attention is not focused on information the third level is only rarely automatic but full attention is needed in this case ( E. Gruszczyk- KolczyÅ„ska, Ewa ZieliÅ„ska Wspomaganie dzieci w rozwoju zdolnoņºci do skupiania uwagi i zapamiÄâ„ ¢tywania WSiP Warszawa 2005: 52-68). The theory how media influence children Media themselves may introduce lots of positive things but also the negative ones into the human life, shape attitudes and mentality of the young people. Furthermore, especially children may be easily influenced by commercials. Media contents are brought to people through the Internet, radio or television, and such media information consists of specific stimuli which affect brain, senses and create or change attitudes and ways of looking at the reality. The good side of the media is the fact that it is created for peoples development, making life more convenient, introducing social and personal values and causing that long distances are easier to overcome. As a result, even such aspects as education or culture are closer to various and separated nations. On the other hand, mass media become a kind of of a boundary or a cage in which a person is isolated from the others, as it may create a situation of misunderstanding and limit of ones social life which is then substituted with cyber space. Needless to say, the mass media caused radical reorganisation of the social life. In terms of education and upbringing of young generation, the media are creating new types of personalities, a sort of a new civilisation. This new generation of media-people is an inextricable part of the modern life, and can be source of many good, positive and improving aspects as well as bad, demoralising, violent and the ones encouraging unacceptable deviations. Media in education The fact of striving for more effective ways of teaching is a main subject of many modern researches. Nowadays, in order to achieve the goal it is natural to use the most entertaining and universal tools like the Internet and other mass media. Thanks to these tools, learning can be more pleasant and successful for the learners and also easier and less effort-requiring for the teachers. More and more modern teaching techniques make education up-to-date and allow for leaving (old) traditional methods in education and introduce the modern model of integration of education with entertainment. In this context, education becomes a product, (almost a technological device), a source of educational tools and an incentive for the unconscious learning. Media may be easily and freely used not only in school teaching but also in private, out-school or even global, social, personal and cultural training. They can provide news, information and educational content using all possible multilingual tools. What is more, this kind of instrument has certain aspects which are singled out by Henryk GrudzieÅ„ in his work Media jako skÅ‚adnik procesu dydaktyczno-wychowawczego: direct influence this means that especially television programs and films immediately influence their audience (human emotions and intellect) building-up influence means building up information, associations and feelings connected with films or TV programs which cause some changes in the human psyche subconscious influence similar to the one above, but the audience is not conscious of changes in its attitudes because at the beginning the audience refuses the given way of thinking due to its unsuitable content and after some time its resistance disappears. Media also have a tremendous influence on the lifestyle of the young people, and they affect lots of spheres of young peoples lives, for example: the effect on the way that somebody behaves (making decisions, aggressive behaviour, social actions etc.) the effect on the level of knowledge (level of information, range of knowledge, level of communication skills etc.) the influence on attitude (believes, religion, judging of other people, etc.) the influence on physical fitness (damaging of senses, lack of motion, addiction) The processes mentioned above depend on many conditions such as age, psyche, actual situation in ones life, level of knowledge, weather, place of receiving such information or influences, company or gender. For example, the most influential may be a film watched in a cinema where the level of focus is very high, a bit weaker may be television and the weakest the radio. The Internet in childrens education Nobody can deny that modern technology has changed and revolutionized education. Teachers have also quickly adjusted their teaching methods in a response to new technology because gadgets in the classroom can create a more interesting, interactive and entertaining environment. If schools strive to keep up with technological trends, then the learning that takes place there becomes more relevant and meaningful for the learners. The Internet and computer knowledge and literacy of major software programs is no longer reserved only for higher educational systems or special trade schools in the modern society. ( Many children, when going to school, deal with individual difficulties on the basis of their opportunities. Nowadays, from the very early age, children get used to computers, the Internet and other modern technologies. The access and the use of the Internet fulfil many of the aims of education. What is more, it broadens childrens mind horizons, gives them a sense responsibility, builds up their self-esteem and develops their autonomy. A big advantage of the Web is its easy access and lack of duty to have a face-to-face contact. The author of the book Special educational needs and the Internet: issues for the inclusive classroom Chris Abbott claims that there are four principles and each one proves that websites and the Internet have become an influential tool for teaching as the pupils are: Informed The Internet is a source of information and news used in topic work, planning visits, web sites pictures of classmates work, connection with other pupils even outside the school, village or town and also link with past friends. Involved In the virtual tour, in preparing material, in creating and sharing their ideas; in group with the integrated activities where physical presence is not significant. Empowered enabling access for children with any physical difficulties, various tools, e-mails Recognised pictures on websites of the children and their work, whiles of the school council meeting, aiding successes and building self-esteem. (111-112) The Internet has a large part to play in the future education of the young people. In this book, the author included many useful tips when using computers in teaching young learners. For example, the page a teacher wants to use should be put on the screen before children come into the classroom. What is very important, computers should be set in a way so that the children cannot open unauthorized sites and also it is important to remind the children of behaving in a good way to prevent the pupils from running to get to the computers first. It is also useful to create a list of computer room rules. Wherever possible, there should be no more than three pupils per one computer. If children cannot see the screen, they may quickly lose interest in their school work and may not be willing to learn. All these elements can make children more concentrated and make learning more effective (C. Abbott Special educational needs and the Internet: issues for the inclusive classroom New York 2002).