Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Human - Computer Interface Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Human - Computer Interface - Essay Example User experience can be vastly enhanced by incorporating multiple sensors into virtual environments because people can immerse into another world more naturally and easily by using their whole body (Schrammel et. al., 2010). Therefore, the Human Computer Interface continues to expand in the field of human-computer communication bandwith by incorporating multiple sensory channels. Meanwhile the growing societal recognition of the needs of people with physical disabilities and neurodegenerative diseases also provide special application domains for Brain-Computer Interface (Tan & Nijholt, 2010). Some researchers advocate â€Å"user interface consistency† as the golden rule in Human Computer Interaction dialogs. Possibility of automating the designs, monitoring, evaluating and comparing the interface properties are the most attractive benefits of consistent designs. However, a clear definition for consistency cannot be found in research literature. In general a consistent design is have, (1) internal interface design consistency and (2) external consistency of interface features with features of other interfaces familiar to the users. Users can obtain convenient, less expensive and versatile products by consistent designs. Example: the training time is 100% to 300% less compared to the random user interface design. Nevertheless some researchers advocate that diverting primary focus from users and their needs into consistency, as narrowing the spectrum of software engineering (Grudin, 1989). Haptic Technology MacLean, 2000, defines â€Å"haptic feedback† as the â€Å"computer control over the tactile or kinesthetic properties of a physical interface, permitting realtime representation of a changing virtual or remote environment rather than a specific, constant handle† (p. 2). In general, haptic feedback is a mechanical response created by the haptic interface in terms of a special vibration sensation. Conventional vibration alerting differs from the haptic feedback as the latter involves advanced vibration patterns and waveforms that convey rather informative messages from a dynamic virtual environment to users. Human brain comprises of various visual, audible, smell, taste and haptic sensory neurons that are stimulated when an objects contact with the respective sensory channel. Sensory receptors located in the human body such as; muscles, tendons, joints and skin in the hands are important for human performances equally to hearing and visual sensing (Torre, 2006). Characteristics of the human brain have largely shaped the designing of modern human-computer interfaces. In the history, models of Human Computer Interactions were dominated by audio-visual simulations (Hayward et. al., 2004). Incorporating haptic, pressure, taste and smell sensors in remotely controlled and virtual environments can be considered as the greatest achievement in modern software engineering. Haptic technology is largely aimed at enhancing the oper ator performances and user experiences by kinesthetic and touch channels stimulation. Humans are rather cautious when touching a surface compared to looking at it. Such characteristics have shape the modern Human Computer Interfaces. Researchers advocate that haptic feedback is rather effective when used in conjugation with other sensory modalities. Example, Morris et. al., 2007, used haptic feedback for teaching undergraduate students a sensorimotor skill that have a force-sensitive component and requires recalling a

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